Today, Winston is 7 weeks post op. He is still sometimes lame when he gets up from a nap or after walking a fair distance. We know Winston's elbows are better, but we were concerned that maybe we didn't get the 100% correction we were hoping for. The only way to know for sure was to shoot some xrays and see what our vets had to say.
We took Winston in today and below are pictures of his xrays.
What you are looking at is Winston's forearm, the radius (curved bone) and the ulna (the broken one). The problem Winston had was the the round looking bone wasn't mating right with the radius and this was causing pain. The radius did not fit against the ball evenly at all. Now you see the spacing between the radius and the socket is uniform. Yipee Ky Yay! Our local vet who shot the xray said he was looking at a perfectly normal doggy elbow.
I emailed the above copies to our surgeon, Dr. Mother Mary, and she happily concurred that Winston's elbow looks frigging great.
I guess you also see the ulna is still broken. Mother cut a piece of bone out and to delay the healing, she inserted a fat pad. Well, the delay tactic has worked and allowed the radius to relax and to fit back into socket. The ulna still has a lot of healing to do and, sadly, Winston will be on restriction for at least a couple more weeks. However, this is a tiny price to pay for a lifetime of an elbow(s) that work right.
I can tell you we are breathing a huge sigh of relief this evening and want to give a huge amount of gratitude to our local vet, Dr. Coy, and, especially to Mother Mary who has proven to us she is not only a great breeder but a fantastic vet.