
The many faces of Winston

Monday, January 31, 2011

Just hanging out!

So Winston had another awesome hunting weekend with Mark this past weekend! Winston tracked a few more deer and was the MVP of the weekend! It is amazing the progress Winston has made in just one hunting season at one year old!! Winston has gone beyond our expectations!

Here, Winston demonstrates the Glen Sit on his birthday! He has perfected it now and will do it on command! Mark has also incorporated "wave" with this and it is so cute!

Mark and Winston played with "The Dog Brick."

Winston is really good at finding the treats and problem solving. He really finds it entertaining.

Just chillin' on the couch with my magazines and remote!

Carly still does not like Winston but I guess jealousy got the best of her and she joined him on the couch with us. They stayed like this all night! It was such a shock that she stayed here with him touching her!

 They look like friends but she still only tolerates him and never misses the opportunity to remind him that she is alpha!
Winston likes to sleep like this with his head hanging off the couch! It looks so uncomfortable!
Winston has really grown into a fabulous dog! Mark and I were just reminiscing about his puppyhood when Winston would go "Pyscho puppy" and run all around the house like a crazy man around 8pm! Now, his favorite place is right between us on the couch!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Happy Birthday, Winston!

Today, Winston turned one year old!!! I made him a special cake with buckwheat flour, soy flour, shredded carrots, honey and peanut butter. It has a peanut butter and banana frosting, too!

Winston says: "Do I smell cake?!"

Carly, Winston and Elliott posed with the cake and party hats!

Then it was time to cut the cake!

Let them eat cake!!
All gone!

Winston received a Nina Ottosson interactive dog toy for his birthday!

It is a puzzle type game for dogs that allows the human to "hide" treats and allow the dog to think and problem solve to find the treats. The dog has to slide a tile or move a wooden block to get to the treat. There are also added slats to make the game more difficult. Winston had a great time playing! Since he loves food so much it was easy to get him interested! I used his dog kibble and he thought it was like fine gourmet food!

Everyone knows the best part of birthday cake is licking the bowl! So Winston got to lick the peanut butter "jar!"

Choosy mom's choose JIFF!!

Winston had a full week! Earlier this week he graduated from his last Petsmart training class!

Here are a few of his fellow graduates:



                                                              Congrats to all the grads!

Winston has had such a full life already in his short 12 months! He has tracked deer in the field, completed 3 training classes, attended several earth dog practices and been a loyal office mascot for Mark almost every day! What a great dog!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Working Weekend for the Boys

Winston and Mark went on a hunting trip this weekend----no animals were harmed!  It was cold so Winston wore his coat.

Winston looks like a dog model! This little coat has a nice fleece lining to keep him warm on wintry days.
Who you looking at??!!!

Winston also has a hunters jacket  to keep him visible. This orange jacket is hunter orange and makes Winston easy to see in the great outdoors.

Every good hunter knows that they need hearing protection,too. Winston is no exception, he wears his mutt muffs to protect his hearing.

Here are some of the sights Winston saw this weekend.

Winston's tracking skills were not needed this weekend but fun times were had by all!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Pensacola Dog Fanciers Association Trials

Obedience trial.  Marine drill teams aren't this precise.

I guess everyone is wondering if Winston passed his TDI test today.  More about that later.

This was the first dog show where we really paid attention to what was going on.  In ring one, we had obedience.  Wow!  It's very humbling to see what real obedience dogs have done to train their handlers.  Winston, take note and see what you can do with us.

In ring 2, we had rally.  This looks like a lot of fun and, frankly, I thinkWinston could have passed novice rally without any problems. Maybe next time. 

Beginner's Rally

Cool Bloodhound in Rally

Agility was underway in ring 3.  It is amazing how these teams work through an agility course.  The bond between handler and dog is very evident and I couldn't tell if the handlers or the dogs were having more fun.

We arrived about 10 a.m. in hopes of burning off some of Winston's nervous energy before signing him up for his TDI test.  Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but today Winston is not TDI certified.  However, it wasn't his fault, the test was canceled.  

We didn't want to waste a good opportunity and there were PLENTY of distractions for Winston, so we stuck around and practiced our obedience and enjoyed watching all the events.  Although we were disappointed Winston was unable to take his TDI test, we had a great time and Winston enjoyed a whole new experience.
Practice, practice, practice.

Kelli and Winston watch Agility
Greeting a stranger.  Winston does great!

Winston resting after watching all those different events.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Getting ready for Therapy Dog International (TDI) Test

Jackson awaits his turn
Myra watches Lindsey for her next command
Tuesday's class was the last class before the Pensacola Dog Fanciers Association's (PDFA) big January event.  There will obedience, fly ball, rally, and agility.  There will also be a judge who will be testing aspiring therapy dogs.

Brendy is so excited she can't contain herself
We think Winston is ready for his CGC test and maybe his TDI test.  The CGC is a little bit easier, but it won't be offered this weekend.  We think if Winston is 'tuned in' he will pass with flying colors.  However, if he becomes distracted and, instead of watching me, he is checking out that cute little poodle with the fancy do, all bets are off.

Our plan is to get there early and have plenty of time to burn off the excitement of a new venue before starting his exam.

Winston watches Kelli, Kelli watches Lindsey, & Lindsey
 explains the test.
Tuesday's class was a mock TDI exam.  All the dogs went through every step in the test.  Winston did get right up to the point where he flunked out.  When released from an extended stay, Winston ran to the treats aisle instead of running to Kelli.  We can just hope there is not a treats aisle at the equestrian center where the event will be held!

Winston eyes the cute yorkie on the toy aisle
Winston allows a 'stranger' to examine and groom him

Winston demonstrates walking w/ distractions.
Kelli gives Winston the 'Stay' command before she walks off.

Winston follows the 'stay' command and waits for his release.

Kelli smiles b/c Winston is obeying her 'stay' command.  Then when she released him, he ran the wrong way!
Winston sez I'm so cute I shouldn't have to take no stinking test!

Look at my family, am I a lucky guy, or what?

Will Winston pass the TDI and become a certified therapy dog?  Will he bite the judge?  Will he bite me?  Will Winston bite both of us?  Stay tuned until next week to find out.  I can tell you the suspense is killing me.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Mid Winter Tracking Refesher Course

Weather conditions:  NW wind, 10-16 mph, clear, 54 degrees F, 14:30 CDT.

Winston was complaining today that he hadn't been tracking all year!  The weather was nice so I asked Kelli to set a short but challenging course in the vacant 2 acre lot (50 yds x 200 yds) beside our home.  The lot lies North to South lengthwise so as she laid the track she would pretty much be working north into the NW wind. Winston loves working a track into the wind as this by far the easiest to work.  Today we would age the track by just 30 minutes.
Winston finds the 3rd turn and a treat.  He will make a 90 degree turn here and head towards the camera.

He made the turn and has no trouble following the scent at a run.

He finds a treat at this marker and continues straight on.

Winston becomes aware of his surroundings and suddenly stops.  "Hey, isn't that Mom over there holding a camera?

Having made another right angle turn, Winston is heading straight for the next marker.

At this marker, Winston finds another treat.  He has learned if you find a marker, you will find a treat.  It's time to switch it up on him.
Winston finds the lost bandana and a jackpot of treats at the end of the track.
Kelli set a track using our marking stakes so I'd know exactly where she had walked and where she left treats for Winston.  The track ended where she 'lost' her bandanna and coincidentally a jackpot of treats.  If Winston got off track, I'd know EXACTLY where Winston could be encouraged to reacquire her scent should he get sidetracked by an interesting bunny or field mouse scent.  But he wouldn't be needing my help today.  Once I put his tracking harness on at the start of her trail, he was on her scent dead on balls accurate (it's a tracking term) for the short length of her track.  Winston really didn't need a refresher.  His skills are still sharp even though we haven't track trained since last year (He found my game for me about a month ago).
Gotta love a dog as good as this one.

Good work, Winston.  You make me proud!