Another day of firsts for Winston! He helped mom with the groceries.
He had to explore inside the bag and he found a onion! He pulled it out of the bag by the skin and then spit it out!
Of course there was a gift for him inside the bag--a new toy! How did he know?!
The best part of the day though was that Carly and Elliott finally made some peace with Winston. They both finally played with him!!!!
YAY!! I am so relieved. The pics were all taken with my phone so they are not great and they are "action" shots.
Winston held his own with both of them (with major supervision.) Winston had such a great time. All he wanted was to have Carly and Elliott play with him. It was adorable to watch.
Can't wait to see what tomorrow holds!
Great to see that they are all playing together. Winston's daddy, Riley, has been staying at my brother in law's due to Lily being in heat. I really miss him. Nancy surprised me last night by having Riley come to my sister in law's house as a special guest for the Passover Seder. It was Riley's exodus from the bondage of the in law's. Yay!