One of my goals for Winston is for him to accompany me to work and be my work companion. He must do this without being a pest to anyone. Most businesses don’t allow you to bring your dog to work with you. However, if it’s your business, you get to make stupid decisions like it’s ok to bring your dog to work. I don’t take smoke breaks or coffee breaks so I think I deserve a doggie break where I can play with my boy. My workload has diminished since the due date of the exempt orgs has passed and I have time to be distracted. Bring on Winston.
I share my office with other businesses so it is imperative for Winston to be on his best behavior. No whining, no leg up on my neighbor’s desk, no eating tax returns, no running with scissors, etc. Kelli and I decided that we should gradually introduce Winston to the work environment. The first step was to design a doggie workstation so Winston can use his nose to type and prepare tax returns. No, I’m kidding. That process won’t start until he is 6 months old.
Kelli has been bringing Winston in around 3 pm and he stays with me until it is time to go home. I need him to be quiet and occupied during his office time. This is tough for a 4 month old puppy! Kelli thought he should have something that makes office time special and different so she got Winston pig ears to chew on. We’ve never bought these rather disgusting items before, but I suppose it is important to use the entire animal if you can. Kelli’s idea worked. Winston loves pig ears and the only place he can get them is at my office.
As soon as Kelli opens the door to my building, Winston tears out full speed to my office to see me and get his treat. A long afternoon consumes about 3 pig ears. So far, I have no complaints from my neighbors or clients and I can reach down and pet my dog whenever I want!
Love it -Wish I could bring my dog(s) to work with me - Pig ears are rather disgusting but dogs do so love them. Enjoy Winston - I can tell your daddy loves you lots and lots!!