
The many faces of Winston

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Week 5 of puppy class!

Winston learns and practices "stay!"

Winston learns "okay" means release from the "stay" and gets a treat!

Winston saw his old friend Dexter at puppy class! Dexter likes to play, as does Winston!

This is a little blurry but I had to include Dexter's famous "head hold" move he always gives Winston!

Jasmine, the Westie, wants in the on the playtime!

Winston goes after Jasmine. He is huge compared to her now!

Another great class tonight! Winston did great and had fun playing with Jasmine and Dexter. If, only he could get in half hour of playtime with Dexter and Jasmine every day!

1 comment:

  1. oh--how cute! The westie is growing into her ears!
    Our release word is "ok" too! There are so many different ones out there...German, French, and weird things like "go",etc. My favorite one is from a story I heard on NPR--about those programs for prisoners that get to train dogs before they go to new homes. He taught his dog a release word of "parole"!!! I LOVE that! I big mouthful--but very funny!
