
The many faces of Winston

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Big week coming up

Winston had a fun weekend.
Winston helped Mark in the pond. The lotus plants that did not survive (3 lived) had to be cleaned out.
Winston loves the water! He likes to chase the water hyacinth's and often times he will drag some of the water plants out of the pond.
I had to beat Winston to this plant to snap a pic before he could grab it!
After his swim, Winston caught a ride on the 4wheeler with Mark.
On a sad note, Mark and I are heavy hearted as we begin this next week. On Thursday, we will  be taking Winston to have surgery on both his front legs for premature closure of the distal ulna. X-rays revealed this as the cause of Winston's lameness. Basically, the growth plates (in Winston's front legs) for his ulna's have prematurely closed causing the ulna to stop growing but allowing the radius to continue to grow. The uneven growth of the radius can force the radius to bow and then subsequently cause the elbow to be displaced. So, on Friday Winston will undergo corrective osteotomy for both front legs.  Although, we are sad that Winston will need surgery we are hopeful that this procedure will correct his troubles and allow him a full recovery without a lifetime of lameness. Please think of us as we travel for the surgery and nurse our baby boy back to good healing over the weekend.


  1. We'll be sending you good vibes for a speedy recovery. Ardith & Sat Tara

  2. ahh--it's great he loves hyacynths just like manatees! :)
    Keep us posted on his surgery.

  3. Best wishes to you and Winston for a safe
    Surgery and speedy recovery. I really appreciate this blog as we raise our own Glen.

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