
The many faces of Winston

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Winston had to practice "loose leash walking" with canine distractions. First, he had to walk with the other dog passing him...

Then he had to "loose leash walk" side by side with another dog! He looks so happy here.

Lastly, for the loose leash walking, Winston and Mark had to walk side by side with our trainer, Lindsey and her dog, Mariah. Notice how intently Winston is watching Mark! Well done, Winnie Pooh!

"Stay" with distractions was next.

Winston, "stay!"

The distractions were a whole bunch of doggies and shoppers!!  Notice the beagles in the top of the pic 
past the Golden. 

Lindsey and Mariah walked by for more distractions! There was also a little boy that ran through the gauntlet of dogs but I think he moved so quickly and unexpectedly that none of the dogs noticed! I wonder what new things we will learn next week?!

By the way, Winston really nailed "finish!", "side" and "front"and he showed Lindsey how well he could do them! Practice pays off! Good boy, Winston! Remember he is only 9 mos old! 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that's a really good "stay" with distractions. I know neither of our glens would have that much restraint, even with the promise of food.
