
The many faces of Winston

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Pensacola Dog Fanciers Association Trials

Obedience trial.  Marine drill teams aren't this precise.

I guess everyone is wondering if Winston passed his TDI test today.  More about that later.

This was the first dog show where we really paid attention to what was going on.  In ring one, we had obedience.  Wow!  It's very humbling to see what real obedience dogs have done to train their handlers.  Winston, take note and see what you can do with us.

In ring 2, we had rally.  This looks like a lot of fun and, frankly, I thinkWinston could have passed novice rally without any problems. Maybe next time. 

Beginner's Rally

Cool Bloodhound in Rally

Agility was underway in ring 3.  It is amazing how these teams work through an agility course.  The bond between handler and dog is very evident and I couldn't tell if the handlers or the dogs were having more fun.

We arrived about 10 a.m. in hopes of burning off some of Winston's nervous energy before signing him up for his TDI test.  Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but today Winston is not TDI certified.  However, it wasn't his fault, the test was canceled.  

We didn't want to waste a good opportunity and there were PLENTY of distractions for Winston, so we stuck around and practiced our obedience and enjoyed watching all the events.  Although we were disappointed Winston was unable to take his TDI test, we had a great time and Winston enjoyed a whole new experience.
Practice, practice, practice.

Kelli and Winston watch Agility
Greeting a stranger.  Winston does great!

Winston resting after watching all those different events.


  1. There is NO reason Winston couldn't Q in Rally. The "cards" are online--just google AKC Rally--there is another organization that does it also--that way you can make sure you know all the turns and you can practice at home when you print the cards (or you can order them in color. Advanced gets crazy!!! Especially with the !%$@ food bowl they put in the ring and the dog is supposed to ignore it!!!
    So sorry he didn't get his testing...wonder why it was cancelled--not enough dogs? We have our 1st agility competition of 2011 next week at the place (45 minutes away) where AKC Nationals will be next year!

  2. The evaluator lost a long time dog and just could not perform the testing.
