
The many faces of Winston

Monday, March 29, 2010

Big white tails, leaves and sunshine

Winston getting some sunshine.

Winston was still whiny last night in spite of the active play day and adventures.

He loved being out in the back yard with my supervision. Carly and Elliott are still not too happy about Winston's arrival in our (THEIR!)home. Although all Winston wants is to play with them they are both still not ready. Carly is most unhappy, as expected since she is alpha, but Elliott has not warmed to him yet either. They are sooo jealous!

Winston is not scared of them and he still wants to play, below he discovered Elliott's tail!

El just ignored him! Winston did have a great time biting the leaves and chewing dried up earth worms (what we call worm jerky) There is always tomorrow!


  1. What a cutie!! Worm jerky is the BEST! He's a lucky puppy!!

  2. Totally addicted to this blog..of course, I am a bit biased. Andy (Riley's Daddy)
