
The many faces of Winston

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Playful pup

Winston will be 14 weeks old tomorrow! Here he demonstrates the "patented Riley head tilt! " Winston's sire, Riley, made this look famous. We think Winston looks a lot like his papa.
Winston to Elliott: :Pssstttt!! Wanna play?"
Winston and Elliott are playing well together. I put this pic in to show how much Winston has grown! Elliott is about 25 lbs and we are estimating Winston to be around 13-15 lbs now. He will have his next vet check this week so we will have his weight then. (Silly dietitian does not have a scale!)

Winston continues to try the" attack from behind" method.

Total contentment: Winston still loves to sleep on his back!


  1. I am in love with this little man - very cute. how much will he weigh full grown? He has a charming little face - full of life and love

  2. Susan, Glens are usually 35-40lbs as adults. Winston LOVES food and is male so we are thinking the top end of the weight range.
    BTW, he has the most beautiful eyes--they are not always easy to see in the pics though. We love the lil guy bunches!
