
The many faces of Winston

Sunday, August 15, 2010

OH NO!!! Kelli's lost!

Kelli told me she was going to the mailbox to get the mail. Time passed and Kelli didn't come back. Soon, Winston and I realized that Kelli had obviously gotten lost on her journey. I grabbed Winston's tracking harness and we went in search of Kelli.
Winston quickly picked up her scent (ode de bug spray) and was hot on her trail. It didn't hurt that Kelli had left interesting tidbits along her way.
Wow, Kelli really messed up on her way back from the mailbox. She is waaaaaay off course. Good thing we have a tracking dog. I wonder where she is? She's been gone for 10 min now and is probably cold and shivering and lost in the hood. Where can she be???
Well looky here. Winston finds a mentally confused Kelli on the other side of the bushes between our home and the neighbors yard.
Joined again, thanks to Winston, our wonder dog!!!


  1. Just like Hansel and Gretel (well apart from the evil witch thing!) leaving the crumb trail!

  2. more like Henschel and Gretel. Ha Ha I crack myself up.
