
The many faces of Winston

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Liquid Sunshine

I love this shot of Winston and the small blue ball. He looks angelic. He had another big day today! He has such a curiosity and attentiveness. On our walks, every sound or passerby is a new adventure for him. He always pauses and takes it all in. Today he had his first experience with rain! In this first pic he takes his first few steps out of the dog door and where he a sorta of has a "WTH?!" moment. The pic is not great (and yes we have weeds!) but it was so cute to see him stop half way and have this realization that something was coming from the sky!

At first Winston tried to lick the tiny rain drops as they fell from the sky and then he noticed that there was a new sound. ...the sound of the rain in the gutters.

He found the source of the noise and went in for a quick drink/lick! Not sure if you can see his tongue in this last one or not---too cute to not capture. Besides, how else can he remain the most photographed dog in the world if I do not chronicle his every move?!

1 comment:

  1. I didn't think that he could be any cuter, but WOW. He's adorable!!! All these pictures are SO cute, but I love the first one the most!!! You guys must be having a ball with him!!!
